December 2013

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the wonderful name of Emmanuel. "God With Us." "The King of Kings." It is with great joy that I write to you today. Looking back over the last year the Lord has blessed this ministry so very much. We have worked in Nigeria, Philippines, Brazil, and India. Preaching the gospel, feeding the hungry, providing medical care for the sick and supporting evangelists who share the gospel in their area of the world. Multitudes of lives have been changed for eternity by our Lord Jesus Christ. His mercy endures forever. "For Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13

Thank you for supporting Isaiah’s Answer. We could not accomplish these things without your prayers and financial support. We pray that God will bless you above and beyond anything you ask in His name. As we celebrate the birth of our Savior and enjoy fellowship with family and friends let us remember and pray for the lives devastated by storms and violence. We are currently helping one family in the Philippines that is trying to get their daughter back to the island of Mindanao. Things are very difficult now and will be for a long time in the Philippines due to the damage from Typhoon Haiyan. But our God is able to see them through this storm.

I will be going back to the Philippines in February (11-25) 2014. We will be preaching and ministering to the people in the Philippines.

Belinda will be going to Nicaragua in March (13-24) 2014 with a dental and medical team. They will be sharing the good news of Jesus Christ while they are treating the patients that come to the clinics daily.

Thank you again for your love of souls in all people throughout the world. Thank you for loving and supporting us. If you can help with these expenses it will be greatly appreciated.

May God bless you with His Great Joy.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Garry and Belinda


March 2014


May 2013