October 2006

Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus.

Mission Manipur III was a great success. There were 105 people who gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Most of these people were from Hindu background but a few were from Muslim background. Praise God for His power and love.

Belinda and two other nurses attended to over 2,000 people. It is a joy indescribable to watch the children and adults receive medical care and medicine that they would have never received if it had not been for your love and financial support.

We were also able to purchase five tons of rice for the poorest of the poor. Once again I am overwhelmed by the power, presence, and love of the Holy Spirit of the Living God. Once again we saw the rice baskets in the churches. These members who fast and bring their rice to the church in order for those who could not work and would not have any food except for the members’ sacrifice. Thank God it will be many days before they will have to fast again. Because of your great love of all mankind we are making a difference in the lives of many for all eternity.

I was asked a question by a young man in Imphal. “What impacts your life and impresses you the most since this is your third mission trip to Manipur? ” My reply was immediately “ Wherever I go the children impact my heart. Their love impresses me the most.“ ’For where your treasure is there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21) I try to watch them and enjoy them experiencing life. Yes, they fight and they cry often. But it will not be long before they are laughing and playing with the same ones they were fighting a few moments earlier. We should be more like them. “ Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven and whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me.” Matthew 18: 3-5 My heart’s desire is to go to the hard places and preach the good news of Jesus Christ until He calls me home.

Please continue to pray for Isaiah’s Answer. Without your love, prayers, and financial support we could not accomplish our goals. May Jesus Himself bless you with all spiritual blessings here and now and forevermore.

In His Love,


February 2007