October 2008

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. It has been quite a while since I have given you an update on Isaiah's Answer and my medical problems. For nearly two years I have been on what I consider to be a starvation diet. I developed Interstitial Cystitis due to a weakened immune system. My immune system problems came about because of the treatment for Hepatitis C that I did for 12 months in 2000-2001. God healed me during those treatments at the eighth month. I had to continue the treatments for the full twelve months per doctor's orders. During the cystitis treatment I lost weight and I couldn't sleep for months. The medications I was given were not working and there was no other medication on the market for this condition.

I had the same thought that many of you who saw me go through this ordeal had, "Is he going to make it or is he going down for the count?" Once you get Interstitial Cystitis it is stated by the doctors that it will never go away. In some cases it can get better but you will always have this problem.

Ten weeks ago I had a biopsy done at Piedmont Hospital. Three weeks later I sat down with my urologist as he opened my file and began reading the report. He had a puzzled look on his face. He sat in silence for what seemed like several minutes. Without looking up he said "The report shows that there is no sign of cystitis at all." I asked if he was sure. His reply was "Yes I'm sure." He showed me the results. There could be only one answer to this miracle. God had healed me once again.

I was blown away by the fact that God intervened again and restored me back to health. I should not have been surprised. The church was praying for me. My wife, Belinda, was asking everyone that could pray to pray for me that God would heal me, and He did! Praise God! I can eat anything I want at any time and my sleep has been restored. That, my friend, is a blessing that I will never take for granted again. God still heals and restores. "He is the same yesterday. Today and forever." Hebrews 13:8.

I am so thankful for your prayers and support of Isaiah's Answer. We are continuing to support missions and seminaries in Manipur, India, children in Kenya and Honduras. We are continuing to pray about where the next mission project should be. Thank you again for your love of souls and your support for this ministry.

May God Himself bless you with all spiritual blessings and supply your every need.

In The Service of the King,


December 2008


June 2008