May 26, 2016

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the powerful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is with the peace of God that I write to you today. We can see the world growig darker and darker. But the Word of God is the Light of the World. We must trust Him in the middle of trials and tribulations. We must abide in Hime and HIs Word. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us, but be with us until the end (Hebrew 13:5). That is why it gives us great pleasure and courage taking the Word of God around the world, especially to those who have never heard the saving name of Jesus.

In October, Belinda and I will return to Imphal Manipur, India. We have ministered there many times. We will be working with Brother Minthang Vaiphei. We will be doing medical clinics, and giving ut reading glasses. We will minister in the Bible College in Imphal. We wil be working in small villages preaching and teaching the infallible Word of God.

We can not thank you enough for your love, prayers, and support of Isaiah's Answer. You have blessed a multitude of people and many of those have been born again. If you can help with these expenses it will greatly be appreciated and I know God will bless your effort. We also are in need of reading glasses and over the counter medications such as Aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, Vitamins (for Adults and Children), eye drops, Imodium, Pepto Bismol, Cough Drops, etc. We will be collecting these items until September 1. We will also be purchasing rice to give to the poorest of the poor in Imphal and in the surrounding villages.

May the Lord Himself bless you and your family.

Until He Comes,

Garry & Belinda


December 2015