E-mail from Minthang Suantak - November 2013

Dear Dr, Garry & Belinda Tate.

Greetings from your family and church members here in Imphal, Manipur. It is with joy we are writing this email again to you.


In my earlier email, I told that we will be going to Leikinthabi and awang Sekmai on the evening of the 19th,November, for a rural evangelistic program in reaching the unreached to the place where people deadly against the gospel. We did that and as per our expectation we did encounter terrible opposition from the people who were the enemies of the gospel.

In some places we were being stoned from a distance while we were preaching the gospel. They tried their best to stop us from preaching and sharing the word of God from every possible angles. They even threatened us with deadly words and gave us very strong warning not to continue what we were doing. However, we never lose heart and our faith, we kept negotiating with them and continue to preached, telling them that even, if they want they can kill us,, and we told them that even if they kill us because of our preaching, remember that every single drops of our blood will continue to heralding the gospel of our Lord to the people.

By seeing our strong faith, courageous and determination to preached the gospel to the people, in the midst of pain and opposition, they were so surprised and at the end they let us go freely and carefully watch us what we did and preached. To our great surprised three top opposition leaders received Jesus Christ as their Lord through our preaching. PRAISE THE LORD FOR HIS MARVELOUS MIRACLE.

God our Loving and Living Father listened to the cry of His children. After the three top opposition leaders came to the saving grace of our Lord, the door was widely opened up for us and taking advantages of the 3 top opposition leaders who came to Christ we go further to the areas and at the end 23 people newly received Jesus Christ as their Lord and about 10 people got healed through our humble prayers.

On the 23rd, Nov, our evangelist Meghajit and Raghumani went to Pangei area for rural evangelism ministry. They did open air preaching on the street, and to market places. They also freely distributed 1200 gospel tracts on that day. According to Meghajit 11 people received Jesus Christ as their Lord and about 370 people heard the gospel of our Lord on the 23rd, Nov, through their ministry. And about 1200 people got the gospel tracts which they freely distributed. Our Evangelist Meghajit and Raghumani request us to pray for those who heard the gospel through their preaching and the people who got and read the gospel tracts they had given, that they will gradually come to the saving grace of our Lord in the near future.

Many of our evangelist, pastors and workers have been scattered far and near for preaching and reaching the lost souls with the gospel of our Lord. They will all come together here on Thursday the 5th,December, to give us their ministry report and for a regular prayer meeting of Vaiphei Christian Church. Please pray with us that our workers who had gone out to different areas for hunting the lost souls will save many souls for the Kingdom of God.

Dear Garry, very good news for your kind information, now our Imphal Airport is converted into an International Airport which is a long waiting dreams of our people in general and we as a Christian in particular. You know how much I had suffered to get (PAP) Protected Area Permission the first time I wanted to get our friends from abroad into Manipur. In those early days, I fought tooth and nails in order to get permission for our missionaries. Running every where to all the related government offices, here in Manipur in meeting the concern authorities, requesting them to issue PAP in favour of our friends, not only here but even till New Delhi. It was not an easy works. Associating with travel agents we work very hard to get (PAP) Protected Area Permit.

However, since the year 2010, by the grace of God and through the sincerity and kind hearted of our good government (PAP) Protected Area Permit in Manipur was temporarily lifted till today. But now all those hard struggles and strict rules that we went through earlier with great pain, have been lifted by our government.

Over and above, now by God’s sovereign plan and through the wisdom and wider scope of our government, Manipur Airport is declared as an International Airport. As approval of the loyalty and sincerity of our national leaders and government the first International flight from Myanmar, known as Golden Myanmar flight was landed at Imphal Airport on the 21st,November,2013. It is a great historic event. Now the door for evangelism to our neighboring countries is widely open up for us. We praise God and thank our national leaders and government for their wisdom and hard work in developing our country, states and our nation. Bringing our state into an international level, as a result we can now easily access to travel to Myanmar and to the other Asian countries. Therefore, let us take a great advantage of all these development in heralding the gospel of our Lord to the nations.

Tomorrow, I will be taking some of our team to different areas in Imphal city for evangelism and an open air ministry. We will be also visiting several hospitals to pray and preach to the sick ones who were on their dying beds. Pray that we save souls for His Kingdom.

Dear Garry and ministry partners, on Sunday the 8th, December,2013, we organize one day seminar at Thanga among the non-christian, the Theme of the Seminar is,,LIGHT OF THE WORLD. We plan to reach hundreds of unreached people with the word of God. We are planning to accommodate 170 mostly educated and qualify young adults. Since, we need qualify and an educated people to help us to reach the unreached people with the gospel of our Lord. For this up coming great seminar, we don’t have any funds, but just purely depends on God and a people like you who can generously donated for saving the lost multitudes of souls. Our budget for this seminar including, transportation, and two meals breakfast and lunch etc is only $,200,USD. As I said, we don’t have these very important needed funds for saving souls, our only resources is just depends on God and a kind hearted and generous people like you.

Therefore, kindly think it so seriously and see if you can help us in saving multitudes of souls. If you want to be apart of these great soul saving ministry, kindly send your good donation under the given below bank account number. Any amount either big or small will have a greater value in our soul saving ministry. If you can kindly send your donation, together we will harvest the souls.

It is now 12,10, P.M. at midnight and I am a bit tire, and need some rest for tomorrow as we will be having a big day tomorrow in preaching the gospel. I will write to you soon again.

May the good Lord Continue to bless you is our earnest prayers for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you very soon and to see you again in His perfect timing.

Your missionary brother
Minthang Suantak.


E-mail from David Edis (Philippines) - December 2013


E-mail from David Edis (Philippines) - November 2013