E-mail from Minthang Suantak - May 2009

Dear brother Garry, greetings from your family and church members here in Imphal, Manipur.
It is with joy we are writing this report to you again.


Our missionary to Bhutan Mr, Lempu Vaiphei was seriously sick and we compelled to have a medical consultant. According to the medical investigation report Mr,Lempu has a kidney stone and the doctor suggest us to go through a surgical operation. As the hospital and the medical expenses are too high in Assam Guwahati we could not afford to have gone through a surgical operation in Assam state, therefore we asked Lempu to come home in Manipur for medical consultant and a surgical operation. Mr. Lempu left his family in Bhutan border and came to Manipur for medical consultant. In the first week of April,09.

Therefore it was very important that some one has to replace Lempu in Bhutan as he left behind many people who wants to go through water baptism and also many who have heard the gospel from Lempu and stand on the verge to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Therefore compelled by the situation I left Manipur, Imphal on the 15th,April,09, with some of my team by our car few days journey on a potholes, dusty and rusty road, via Nagaland state. We arrived Guwahati the Capital of Assam state on the 16th,April,09, and halt the night in Guwahati.

The next following day which is on the 17th,April,09, we started our journey towards Darranga Bhutan border and arrived the same day. Immediately on our arrival at Darranga, few of our believers waited for us and arranged a room at Mr, Lalthanglien’s house for our stay during the weekend, there we kept all our belongings than immediately went to an open air preaching at the remote village. I was a bit tired as I was the only driver for few days on the dusty, potholes and rusty roads. However compelled by love I was preaching without any moment of rest. At this first open air meeting about 120 people attended from different communities and background. Some from hindu few from muslim etc, and a handful of Christian. At the first meeting after the preaching I made an alter call and about 29 people received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. We were so happy to see this new souls adding into God’s kingdom. At 7, P.M. we came back.

On the 18th,April,09, we went to a remote village in Sandrup Jongkhar Bhutan, there our Bhutanese friend arranged a meeting in a remote area where we had about 73 people who eagerly awaiting to listen the word of God, however these people were not a Christian but as our Bhutanese Christian friend had taught them they were so eager to hear more and were thirsty and hungry for the word of God. Some of our team shared their testimonies and than I preached. To our surprised God has again given us 28 new souls on that day, we were so happy. Now all these new souls wants to go through water baptism, however as it is too risky we told them that we will arranged and let them know the day after we arranged the venue and the time. We also prayed for few people who claimed that they were totally healed through our prayers.

19th,April,09, As advice by our friends and the arrangement he made, we went to a tea garden and they were hundreds of tea labourers as it is the season they were plucking the leaves of the tea. We asked permission from the tea manager that we want to talk to all his labourers, the tea manager was quite happy to have us talking with his laborers. We called them together in one place and shared the word of God. Again about 32 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord. We also prayed for many sick people.

20th,April,09, we went to a Menoka tea Garden Baptist church, we had about 200 people in this tea garden Baptist church. While we were in that Baptist church the other new 32 people who accepted Jesus Christ yesterday came to attended the church this bring real joy and encouragement to us. That night several of our team shared there testimonies and sung some songs which really was a great encouragement and a blessing to them. I preached the word of God base on Christian spiritual revival.

21st, April, 09, we had a service at a Nepali Baptist Church in Darranga we had about 129 people in this service. Our team was a great blessing and encouragement for them as they shared testimonies and sing songs of revival. As a normal again I preached based on sanctification and the importance of being filled by the spirit.

22nd,April,09, we arranged a big baptism service, in a river across the border between India and Bhutan. About 53 people were baptized on this day, which became a bench mark experience and ministry for our believers there in Bhutan and Darranga. 23rd, April,09, we arranged a big followed up program at darranga for all those people who recently accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and followed by water baptism, we encouraged to stay strong in their faith in Jesus and be always a good example for the rest of the people in their communities. It was really a great time as we all have a good interaction and be an encouragement for one another. We also prayed for one another.

24th, April,09, I reluctantly have to say bye to every body in Darranga, as I need to come down to Guwahati. Since at home our bible college student need me as our final semester exam start on the last week of April till the 2nd,May,09. Our bible college student need my presence. Therefore on the 24th,,April, we left Darranga for guwahati. At Guwahati I stay two days 25th, and 26th,May,09, met some of our missionary in different parts of Assam.

On the 27th,April,09,(Monday) we left Guwahati early morning at 6,A.M. by our car towards Nagaland, and arrived Nagaland state Patkai Christian College at 5,P.M. we stayed at the guest room of Patkai Christian college. The next following day on the 28th, April,09 at 6.A.M. we left Nagaland for Manipur, Imphal and arrived home at 3,P.M.

From the 28th, April, our bible college students wrote their final semester examination till today the 2nd,May,09. Today they completed their examination. We are pretty busy with all these schedules. Next week we will be having a missionary conference at our bible college just before the Graduation as we want to encouraged and challenge our student to become a real great missionary as they graduated and go out to the fields.

Our graduation exercise will be on the 15th,May,09, please keep praying for these great events about 35 students will be graduated this year.

May the good Lord continue to bless you in all your services is our earnest prayers. Looking forward to hearing from you and to see you again in His timing.

Kindly give our love and regards to the family and to all the saints in your church.

Your missionary brother
Minthang Suantak.


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - September 2009


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - March 2009