E-mail from Minthang Suantak - June 9, 2014

Hi Dear Dr, Garry and Belinda Tate.

Greetings from your family and church members here in Imphal, Manipur. It is with great joy we are writing this email to you.

Garry, thank you so much for the funds you had transferred to us for repairing of our car. It is because of your kind and generous financial support, we will be back again on the road, to transport the gospel of our Lord to every nook and corners.

Today as soon as we got the funds which you have transferred for the repairing of our car, we called the head mechanic of the automobile repairing center, they came and pull our car till their workshop, and immediately started working on it.

We hope to complete the repairing work very soon, as we deputed two from our office to assist and oversees the repairing works of our car. Since we need the car so desperately in our ministry, we told the head mechanic that they should be working on the repairing of our car in a full swing. We expect that in few days time the repairing will be completed. As soon as we complete the repairing work, we will immediately inform you.

Garry, from the 11th,June till the 14th,June, I will be preaching and teaching during the Seminar cum workshop organized by Thangkhal Baptist Church, at S. Phaija village in the remote borders of Myanmar. I will be leaving on the 11th, June early in the morning for S. Phaija village for the seminar. I am invited to be the main speaker cum Resource person during the day time seminar. Since I am the lone speaker and resource person, it will be hard work for me. Please pray with us for great and wonderful result.

For your kind information, S, Phaija village is situated in the south district of Manipur in a remote border of Myanmar, and the village is surrounded by many other villages. We expect many people from all the surrounding villages to be participating in this seminar. S. Phaija village itself is quite big and sizable with many hundreds of population. So we expected few thousands during this seminar. Pray that we will have a great Harvesting of the souls and that wonderful revival will take place.

I am too tired as I am preparing so much for this seminar, I have to preach every night, for four nights, and did teaching and counseling for four full days all by myself. Please pray for me that God will equip me for this task, and pray for my health and for the spiritual atmosphere during this seminar.

I did huge paper works for the seminar, which I will be distributing to every individual participant. Because in this remote area, there are not access to a projector works.

Garry, as I said, we have deputed two person from our office, to oversees our car repairing, they will be in the automobile workshop daily to oversees the repairing works.

Garry, once again thank you so much for your kind financial support, as I always said you are the back bone of our ministry. It is only because of your generous financial support we could do so much for the kingdom of God.

Garry, it is now 10,55, at night here, and I am two exhausted as we just arrived from the ministry. Let me have some rest. I will write to you more, particularly the report of the seminar after I come back from the seminar from S.Phaija village.

May the good Lord continue to bless you always is our earnest prayers for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you very soon, and to see you again in His perfect timing. Bless you my brother.


Your missionary brother
Minthang Suantak.


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - October 18, 2014


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - December 2013