February 2010

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The One who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light and love.

Mission Mt. Elgon, Kenya was a great success. Each day our two teams set up in different villages. Many people lined up everyday to be attended to by the medical teams. They bound up their wounds, supplied antibiotics, vitamins, and many other items to help the healing process for thousands of people. Even delivered a baby! It truly blesses the heart and soul to see the needs of so many met who could not have gotten treatment any other way.

When families or the individuals completed their treatment they came to the counselors. There were many who did not know the meaning of sin nor know the remedy that Jesus provided for us all. It was our great joy to start at the beginning of Genesis and guide them to our resurrected Savior. The blood of Jesus Christ will never lose its power over sin, death, hell, and the grave. We are victorious through Him. Hundreds left the clinics that week rejoicing knowing that they had been born again into the family of God.

They are no longer in darkness but walking in the light, love, and fellowship of the Son of God.I can not thank you enough for your love of souls, prayers, and support. This mission would not have taken place without you.

My prayers and thankfulness to the Lord for you and your support of Isaiah’s Answer.

May God bless you beyond measure,


May 2013


June 2009