June 2009

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the wonderful name of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Mission Niger was very successful. Our work on the river banks, sandy roads, and in the homes of the Songhai people of Karma was challenging and rewarding.

The Word of God states "that it is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts" (Zach. 4:6b). God truly blessed the team as we were sharing the gospel. Each day we made two teams that went in separate directions, but we were sowing the same gospel seed in the Muslim ruled village. We were met with strong opposition in some places and received gladly in others. The Lord of hosts will always make a way if we are willing to follow Him wherever He leads. Many listened and said they would analyze what we taught them and would make a decision later. In the labor that we shared there were three people that prayed and received the Lord Jesus Christ into their heart and life. We praise God for those three. It would have been worth all the effort even if we had not seen any fruit for our labor. Just being part of the team that labored with love for all the people of Karma was a blessing. Please pray for those who received Jesus as Lord and Savior. Those who professed Him openly and those who are afraid to speak out. There is a saying in the tribe of the Songhai , "When one cries the whole village cries with him. When one laughs the whole village laughs with him. If you become a Christian you are on your own." being ostracized, cut off from your family and friends in a world where you barely get by would be frightening. Pray for strength and courage for other Christians to come along side these new Christians and help them draw close to our Heavenly Father.

Thank you so much for love of souls. I can not express in words how much I love you and appreciate you, your prayers, and financial support. Thank you for supporting Isaiah’s Answer. May God bless you and keep you always!

Following Him,


February 2010


February 2009