January 2009

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. It is wonderful to know we are children of God. I am looking forward to the opportunities and blessings He has in store for His children.

The year ahead is a mystery. The days will pass swiftly. The question for each of us is “What will we do with the time and opportunities the Lord gives us?” The Word of God states “Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3). The Lord will show us the way if we ask. I’m praying that God will open many doors world wide where I can take the gospel to people who have never heard of the saving power and loving grace of Jesus Christ. All of us will be given a chance to be a blessing to someone. Many will have multiple opportunities; let us make the most of each one.

My first Evangelism Mission trip this year will be to the country of Niger. This will be my second mission endeavor in Niger, Africa. I will be working with Dr. Pearson and three other men on this team. We will be working with the Songhai tribe. These people are like many tribes in Niger, hard to reach. The country is 99.9% Muslim. This ministry can be very difficult. God will make a way and bless the effort. Our job is to preach and teach. Hopefully we will be able to show the Jesus film and pass out the Word of God on cassette tape. This is a great opportunity for us to be a blessing.

The dates for this mission endeavor are April 22-May 4, 2009. The cost is approximately $3,600.00. If you can help with these expenses it will be greatly appreciated.

I want to thank you for your love of souls throughout the world and for your prayers and financial support of Isaiah’s Answer World Evangelism. You have touched a multitude of lives both spiritually and physically. Thank you again.

God bless you. I love you and appreciate you.

“Be A Blessing,”


February 2009


December 2008