February 2009

Greetings in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

I’m filled with excitement and great expectation about what God is doing and going to do through Isaiah’s Answer. We are continuing to support the ministries we are sponsoring and believe that God is going to bless us with more opportunities to advance the Kingdom of God . The future is very bright for the children of God.

The time is quickly approaching for us to meet the Songhai Tribe of Niger in West Africa . This is going to be a difficult mission trip. The hardest battles we will face are the spiritual ones. This is a war. I ask you to begin praying now for the team to be embolden through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that many opportunities to share the gospel will be given to us. Pray for our health in the heat. This is the hottest part of the season in Niger , temperatures range from 125°-150° during the day. Pray for our safety during our traveling from village to village and our return back to the compound everyday. Pray for souls to be saved and that God would make it possible for us to start a church.

We are all facing hard economic times ahead. This calls for new and innovative ways to raise resources, in order for the ministry to continue and grow.

There may be some of you who would like to donate airline miles, or credit card points towards mission trips. This would be a tremendous blessing. The one thing we must watch is the amount of miles donated. That it is worth the one cent per mile transfer fee along with a $30.00 transaction fee. This is for Delta and their associates. British Air is a $50.00 transaction fee plus the one cent per mile. We are looking at 20,000 points minimum to start with. This is completely new to me so I know it is going to be a learning process. I do not know if this can be tax deductible, but I have a CPA looking into it. If you have any questions concerning this please call me.

We are a 501-C-3 non-profit organization. Your monthly gifts are tax deductible.

Thank you so much for your support of Isaiah’s Answer World Evangelism. You are making a difference in thousands of lives.

May God bless you beyond measure,


June 2009


January 2009