May 2007

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, Who sets the captives free. It is reassuring and comforting to know that the Son of God and His Word will never change. His desire is that everyone would receive Him as Lord and Savior. I know everyone will not be saved. But everyone should have an opportunity to hear the Gospel and decide for themselves who they will trust and serve.

My next mission trip will be in Tanzania. I will be working with the Barabaig people. This tribe has no written language and no gospel witness. Historically they are animists (worshipping gods of nature). They are considered an unreached people group.

We have a great opportunity to take the Gospel to these people in September. The dates of this mission trip are September 20 through October 4. I believe this could be one of the most important mission trips I have ever been called to participate in. Please begin praying now for the Barabaig people to be receptive to the Gospel and for our health and safety.

The cost of this mission trip will be approximately $2,800.00. If you can help with the expenses it will be greatly appreciated. I could not accomplish the task God has given me without your prayers and financial support.

May God continue to bless you.

Sharing His Word,


August 2007


February 2007