August 2007

Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ.

It seems that it has only been a couple of months ago that the new church year began. But it has been 12. Our world continues to move at a faster pace than ever before, or so it seems. The Word of God keeps us grounded in reality. Everyone has the same amount of time in a day, but everyone does not have the same number of days in this life. Death is no respecter of person; it comes to us all, young or old.

Therefore we must be wise and use the days God gives us to the best of our ability. There are many ways we show our love for the Lord, our family, friends, and yes - the stranger. We work to provide for the necessities and luxuries of life. We give to the church. We encourage each other and give and receive wise counsel. But we must never forget that one of the most precious things we have is time. Take just a little time each morning before your start your day in prayer with the Lord. I can assure you it will ease your stress load and you will be more than able to face the trials of the day. It also makes our time with loved ones more precious because we are not anxious and we know that whatever we face in life the Lord will be with us. It is a calm and reassuring feeling knowing that you don't have to know all the answers to life's questions, just know that you know the Creator of all life, Jesus Christ. That should give all of us who know Him a peaceful and prosperous day to share His will and His way for all mankind.

Till Next Time,



October 2007


May 2007