October 15, 2014

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the powerful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Who gives eternal life to all that call upon Him.

It is with great joy that I write to you today. During our walk in this life we will encounter heartaches, troubles, and trials. Some will be spiritual and some physical. Jesus said, "Be of good cheer I have overcome the world." John 16:33d We are overcomers through Him Who loves us and gave Himself for us. "Not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord of host." Zechariah 4:6b

We are continuing to support evangelist in northern India, with many souls being saved. The world is growing darker and evil is abounding in these last days. But that will not stop the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We must share the gospel with all people especially those who have never heard it before. There are over 1 billion people who have never heard of the saving name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. That is why we must be about the Father’s business. Everyone should have and opportunity to hear the gospel.

I have been invited to preach the gospel to the tribal people in the interior of India. The bush and mountain folks have a special place in my heart.  "Come, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat;" Isaiah 55:1 a&b The offer of mercy and grace are free from the Lord. It is extended to all. I will be working in villages, preaching, planting churches and training pastors. Jesus said, "If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto Himself." Belinda and I are blessed to have your faithful support. Your prayers, gifts and contributions are needed and very much appreciated. The mission date is January 15-30, 2015.

May God bless you and your family as we serve Him.

Following Him,



March 2015


March 2014