March 9, 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the name of Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who is above all. It is with great joy that I write to you today.

Mission India was a huge success. Pastors and church planters were taught and encouraged along with many lost souls being saved. I was very blessed to work in the villages along with the rest of the team. The Lord poured out His Spirit on a multitude of folks. Watching His power and love change the hearts and minds while saving their souls is difficult to express in to words. Wonderful, convicting, love, graceful, merciful, a peace that passes all understanding is just a few words to try and explain what the new redeemed child of God is experiencing.

We had finished our work in one area at 11:30 PM on Sunday night, January 25. We were moving to a new village the next day. We were returning to our motel. There was a dark alley leading to the motel that we were staying in with a very old service elevator that did not work properly. It was dark and I could not see. To make a long story short I fell in the bottom of the elevator shaft. It took a while for our team members to get me out and four hours later they had me at a hospital. I needed a few stitches and I’m still recovering from the fall. But it won’t be long before I’m back to full throttle.

I am looking forward to the next mission. Belinda and I will be part of the team from Meadowdale leaving on May 20-30 for Malawi, Africa. We will be doing evangelism and medical clinics. We will be working in the villages. The team will also be attending to the needs of orphans. This is a wonderful blessing to be in service for the Lord. We will be buying medical supplies for the clinics and whatever else we need to minister to those who have very little substance to live.

You are the ones who are praying and supporting the financial resources for this ministry. Without your prayers and support I know I would not be alive and writing this letter today. If you can help with these expenses it will greatly be appreciated. I know God hears you and answers your prayers. Thank you for your love and support.

Serving Him,



July 2015


October 2014