E-mail from Minthang Suantak - August 2021 

Hi dear brother Garry.

We arrived home last night from our outreached ministry to the most hidden tribes. This time we came back earlier than our actual plans, since we got emergency calls from our chartered accountant for our audited statements. The government enforced that we must submit our annual return of our audited statement of our church on or before the 31st, August, rules have been changed frequently. 

Garry, it was so intriguing at the same time so difficult to preached the gospel to the most hidden tribes as they were so illiterate fully untouched. In spite of their illiteracy, uneducated, uncivilized status and the gospel being unheard off by their community, they asked us unending questions about Christ and His gospel of Salvation. It took us couple of hours to answers their complicated questions before we really preached the gospel to them. 

The fascinating fact is that through the answered we gave from their surprising and complicated questions, they were interested and keen to know the gospel that we preached. We eventually moved their hearts and convinced their mindset to listen the message of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Last weekend we were able to covered 4 different villages and preached to about 708 people absolutely untouched by the gospel, before we visited them their life were so drastically dark without any single ray of hopes. But with the power of God we were able to transformed them to the light and given them hope in everything through Christ and His gospel of salvation. But we did encountered many bitter disgusting events while trying to reached the unreached people. The issues and challenges we experiences in our ministry to the most backward tribes are much dreadful, many times we were threatened to death by the enemies of the gospel. The place being very isolated and the local people being so aggressive with no protection from every angles we were always exposes and vulnerable to any harms and attacks from the enemy. All we need is God’s sovereign power, protection and provisions, in all our helpless conditions. 

That’s why i always make a statement that, in the ministry one must fully dedicated, sacrificed, committed, selfless have zeal and patience for the ministry in which God has called us to do. 

During the last weekend of our outreached ministry to the most backward tribes in different interior villages, we reached about 708 people, out of which 105 people newly accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord for the first time in their life. We prayed for the newly born again people and left them to the care of the nearby very few Christian, and assured them that we will come back soon.

Garry, it is not easy to get one soul without God’s anointing and sanctions, but with His grace and sustaining power souls were being saved regularly through our partnership ministry. I am saying this with no false modesty and humility, genuinely, genuinely, without God’s sustaining power and your regular generous financial support plus our dedicated ministry team over here it will be impossible to save souls regularly. But together through our genuine and unceasing joined effort we achieved what has been done so far in His kingdom ministry. I am so grateful in our partnership ministry your generous financial helps, moral and prayers support and the commitments and sacrifices of all our team here is unquantifiable. 

Let us continue our efforts in striving forward for better and fruitful ministry in the future. 

Garry, God willing on this coming Friday which is on the 27th, August, we will be again going for hunting souls in the backward tribes as we got another important call from  unreached tribe inviting us to preach the gospel to them. We are definitely at the end time as we see people were thirsty and hungry for the word of God. 

May the good Lord continuing to bless you is our utmost prayers. Looking forward to hearing from you and to see you again very soon in His perfect timing.

Bless you my brother.

Your missionary brother 

Minthang Suantak.        


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - March 2007


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - October 2021