E-mail from Minthang Suantak - March 2007

Dear brother Garry,
greetings from your family and church members here in Imphal. Dear brother, I am sorry I missed your called the other day.

Dear brother Garry,
I was trying to send this report yesterday the 16th,Friday, March,07, however since we were too busy in our ministry, I was not able to do so. Yesterday we went to B.Khonom, it was me, Khaiboi, Zammang Baite and Lianlalven for visiting the church and the school construction. Than I went to kakwa for a rural open air ministry. I was to busy and only able to back home late at night.


Our bible college student, Mr. Lempu Vaiphei and Th. Minthang visited 12 villages during one week ministry tour vocation last month. According to Th,Minthang and Lempu Vaiphei they preached the gospel to about 210 people and discovered another three hidden villages. About 25 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and many more will follow after. Mr. Lempu said, they have fasted many times as they did not get proper food during their gospel tour to many hidden areas but they were so happy as they could preached to many people. They also prayed for many sick people.

Mr. Thangin and Mr,Haomoi went to Myanmar border during one week ministry tour vocation and they preached to many hundreds of people. They were able to covered 9 villages in the borders. About 12 people received Jesus Christ as a result of their preaching.

Miss, Philachang and Miss, Ngaranphi, went to many interior villages in Ukhrul Naga dominated district and preached to about 190 people during their one week ministry tour Vocation. Miss, Ngaranphi, told us that she can not wait the time of her study completion as she eager to go to the interior villages and reach the unreached tribes with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. As the only one week tour is too short for them to do ministry.

Pastor, Lunminthang Baite went to Myanmar border with several of our team and just recently arrived back. According to pastor Lunminthang Baite, every time we visit the interior area there is new hidden village that we always discovered, that means we still have lots to do for the Kingdom of God. We will keep discovering new hidden villages every day if we go to the interior parts of our state. The works is plenty we need to speed up our works said Pastor, Lunminthang Baite. Pastor, Lunminthang Baite and our team had discovered three more hidden villages in the interior of Myanmar border last week. They preached to 200 hundreds of people and about 40 people received Jesus Christ as their Lord.

Pastor, Gokhomang went to Thingkeu village which is about 90 K,M from Churachandpur, he also walked 15 miles by foot to reached another village. According to pastor, Gokhomang he prayed for 5 very sick people but not a believer. They were not even a Christian, but because of their severe sickness, they agreed with pastor, Gokhomang when he asked them for prayer. When Pastor, Gokhomang prayed for those sick people, by God's grace they got healing and they praise God and received Jesus Christ. The word of that healing spread all over the area and that open a wide door for our Pastor, Gokhomang to preached the gospel to the area freely without any opposition. He preached to many hundreds of people and about, 48 people received Jesus Christ.

Dear brother, tomorrow we will meet several of our workers at Phailengjang village as we have a new Church building inauguration, there we will have more reports from our fields. When I arrived back here on Monday I will write another report. Phailengjang is towards Myanmar border on the east side from my father village. We all need to walk all by foot to reach this village, it is many hours walking on a hilly high mountain, pray for us.

Dear brother, I must hurry to send this email as I need to go very soon, the team is waiting for me at our door.

We love you brother, and we will be praying for you and all our members in your church. At Phailengjang villages hundreds of our members will pray for you and your family. Bless you brother, we love you. Looking forward to hearing from you and to seeing you soon.

Your missionary brother
Minthang Suantak.

N.B. Dear brother Garry, as we are running dry with the finances we will be happy if you can arrange to send funds for our ministry here.

Your missionary brother
Minthang Suantak


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - March 2007


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - August 2021