E-mail from Minthang Suantak - January 2008

Dear brother Garry,

Greetings from your family and church members here in Imphal. Wish you  the best and prosperous new Year. As  new year began may God pour out His marvelous blessing upon you and your family.
Since the beginning of the new year, we double up our ministry and this make us extremely busy in the service of the Lord. We attempt to reach many thousand of unreached souls and  plan to evangelize the entire North Eastern Frontiers states of India by 2008.

It is with joy we are writing this email of souls harvesting during Christmas in the states of the North East India,  including Bhutan and Bangladesh border. Our Journey to the entire North East seven states of India from the 23rd, December,07 till the  14th, January,08, bring many hundreds of lost souls into God's Kingdom. We reached altogether 2700, people and about hundreds gave their lives to Christ. As a result of our evangelistic campaign many hidden tribes were been able to open up their spiritual eyes to see the light of the gospel, and many thousands of lost people listened the word of God for the first time in their lives. Many hundreds decided to received Jesus Christ as their Lord. As a result of this, later this month on the 26th, January,08, several people are going to follow the Lord through water baptism in Demaji district of Assam.  I am going back to Assam state and Bhutan,  to perform this water baptism to the new believers.

 We are having the Annual Assembly of our Church/Association, here at our Head Office in Imphal, Newlambulane, from today till tomorrow. On the 20th, January, soon after our Assembly I will proceed towards Assam and Bhutan again for  performing water baptism to the new believers and also more hunting for souls. As I was already assign by our church members, I will be with some of our workers.

On our evangelistic ministry during Christmas and New year in the rural areas of the North Eastern states of India, we were badly persecuted by the opposition of the gospel. Several of our friends were beaten up in the Arunachal Pradesh border, but God changed the heart of many hundreds of people in that areas. Physical hardship and tortured brings joy in the hearts of our workers as they saw people accepting Christ through their suffering. Demaji in  Assam states is bordering to Arunachal Pradesh state, this is were our friends were beaten up, and this is the place where we will be having a water baptism service to many of the new believers later this month on the 26th, January.08. Please keep praying that we will have more souls in this areas, that the suffering of our workers will be the seed of the gospel and that many thousands will follow our Lord. We plan to build a church in this area very soon for those new believers, and we pray that our church will grow to thousands more churches in the future.

From the 20th, till the 28th, January,08, I will be again in Assam and Bhutan, I will be with our Bhutan missionary. Last December,31, 07, was the election of Bhutan, now the general election for Bhutan is likely to be schedule from April,08. It looks like that Bhutan which was close for the gospel for century and has
been for a country strictly for Buddhist,  is now hopefully opening up for  democracy, which means, it will  make a lot more easy for the gospel. It seems a door will be open more widely for the gospel in Bhutan soon, therefore let us not waste our time let us hurry for the furtherance of the gospel, while we are having a chance.

Since I am too busy for our Annual Assembly tomorrow, I may need to shorten my report this time, but I will write more to you very soon.

The time while I will be in  Assam and Bhutan for hunting souls, our church youth department will have a wonderful Gospel Olympic at B.Khonom village, we expect several hundreds of youth to join this Youth Gospel Olympic, every night there will be excellent salvation crusade several of our workers will preach and day time they will have games and sports.
Please pray that many hundreds of youths will be transformed to the gospel during our youth Gospel Olympic.

May the good Lord continue to bless you.

Brother Garry, please kindly consider seriously about coming back to Manipur, as we need you. The people of manipur in general and the Vaiphei Christian Church in particularly need you to come back  this year.  We cannot wait the time to see you. You will be happy to see the progress of our ministry when you come.

Looking forward to hearing from you and to seeing you again this year.
It is now 8.30 P.M. and we just finished our first session of our Assembly for today, and tomorrow we will have to continue.

Bless you my brother.
Your missionary brother
Minthang Suantak.


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - February 2008


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - July 2007