E-mail from Minthang Suantak - February 2008

Dear brother Garry,

Greetings from your family and church members here in Imphal. It is with joy that we send you this email, hope that you received the earlier email we send to you the other day.

Our ministry is getting bigger each day as we keep discovering new hidden villages each week. Our ministry in Bhutan is much progress with more people coming to the Lord. We may send more missionary to Bhutan as several of our students wants to voluntarily go to Bhutan as a missionary, pray that we have the needed funds to send more workers to Bhutan and to the whole North Eastern states of India.

Last week about 12 people were newly baptized in the rural areas of Assam state bordering to Arunachal pradesh state. The baptism was organized by our missionary in Assam.

The first graduation exercise of our Bible college was held on the 5th,February,08 at our Head office in Imphal. Out of 32 students we graduated 18 students these 18 students were so thrilled to be on the mission field to work for God's kingdom. The rest 14 students being coming a bit later than the others, have not completed their course  and are still studying in our college and we will intake another new students in March,08. We plan to have atleast  45 students this year as we are trying to enlarge or extend our building to accommodate more students.

The 18 students who graduated on the 5th,Feb,08 were now in different areas of Manipur to reach the unreached people and some help their churches and their own people and communities serving God to the best of their abilities. Pray that  our graduating students will bring many souls into God's kingdom.

Dear brother, last week we send out three of our workers to Myanmar border to reached the hidden people, they will evangelized to many rural isolated areas, please pray that they will come back save and sound, and through them many will come to the kingdom of God.

On the coming, 15th, Feb, I will be again going to Kaljang which is bordering to Mizoram state, for rural evangelization with several of our team. Than on the 16th, Feb, to a neighbor surrounding villages please pray that we catch many souls, I also have an appointment to preach at Manipur University  Christian fellowship on the coming Sunday the 17th, Feb,  I will returned from Mizoram border on the night of the 16th,Feb, and the next day early morning I will be at Manipur University campus for preaching amongst the Christian students and staffs.

As I told you in my earlier email that the main transformer of our electricity was badly damage, we are now in a very bad condition, no electricity it is very hard life. The power department told us that  it may take 2 to 3 months to resume the power back. When ever I find time we just put on generator and send you an email.

Dear brother, kindly consider seriously coming back to us in Manipur this year. We need you and we want you to see the new improvement of our ministry. Now we shifted our bible college from the past location to our main Administrative building. Since it is hard to pay a room rent each month, now we are free from paying house rent for the bible college each month.

Dear brother if you can, please  kindly try to send us some funds for the ministry and for the food of our bible college. Please kindly email me and tell me news from your end as we also want to hear from you. Please kindly consider seriously to come back to us this year in Manipur.

Bless you my brother. Looking forward to hearing from you and to seeing you again soon.
Please give our best regards to all your family and church members.

Your missionary brother.
Minthang Suantak


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - July 2008


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - January 2008