E-mail from Minthang Suantak - June 2011

Hi Garry, greetings from your family and church members here in Imphal, Manipur. It is with joy we are writing this report again. Trust you will love to hear the input we made in the ministry.

Garry, thanks for the funds you transfered via western union $,270. We pray that this funds will save many souls for God’s kingdom. We really thank you so much. Praise God for your help.


From the 4th, June till the 6th,June, we have been to different villages in the south district of Manipur. I was with, Mr. Khaiboi Vaiphei, Mr. Kamthang Vaiphei our youth Secretary, Pastor, Lunminthang Baite and pastor Lianmang Vaiphei our Moderator. We were able to visit 5 villages and reached about 1400 people. it was really a great time of Harvesting the souls. Out of 1400 people about 123 people made a great decision to follow the Lord. These 123 people who newly accepted the Lord will be a great tools for our rural evangelism. They committed to go out for reaching the unreached in the other hidden villages.

We also had the privilege to prayed for many sick people. One particular man who was suffering from devil possess was brought to us for prayer, he was sreaming, crying out loudly, shouting with anger. When we hold him fast he tried to run away struggling so hard as he was so strong. Howwever with the help of the villagers we hold him tied and when we prayed for him, there was a great respond towards his movement. When we lay hands upon him and prayed, and rebuke the devil in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the evil spirit left him instantly. the whole villagers were so amazed to see the work of God and every one praise God. We than talked to the man counselling him, and prayed for him, and he gave his life to Jesus Christ. Praise God for this precious live. He told us that from now onward he will do his best in serving the Lord.

After seeing all this great miracle, his family with joy invited us for a thanks giving tea. We all went to the house and met all his family. They were very poor people living hand to mouth. Before they serve us tea we preached the word of God to the family members. They were so receptive with the word of God, therefore we made another counselling for his family and at the end of the day they whole family received Jesus Christ as their Lord. what a wonderful tea party and what a family now. The whole family were so happy, and they said, now salvation has come to our family. Praise God and Praise God,, let the name of Christ be highly exalted.

On our way back we stop over at Tronglaobi a hindu village, we had an open air preaching about 109 people gethered beside the main road, listening to our preaching, singing and praying. 5 people gave their live to Christ. It was really a great blessing to see lives changing towards Christ.

While we were on a gospel tour to different villages in the south district of Manipur, some of our team visited hospital, prison cell and hostels to preached and to prayed for people. We prayed that God will bless the seed we sowed to the hearts of the people.

We thank you so much for your kind and generous support. Without your kind help we may not be able to do this great work for God.

Your financial support goes to the deeper level for meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the churches and society. Without your financial contribution we may not be able to bring souls into God’s kingdom.

Please keep praying for our ministry here and see the possibilities of getting more help and support for our on going ministry. As you know you are the backbone of our ministry, our credentials in the ministry depends on your afford for us.

May His blessing be always upon you, your family and your ministry. May you become a channels of blessing to thousand upon thousands of people here in our state Manipur.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon and to see you again in His perfect timing.

Your missionary brother
Minthang Suantak.


E-mail from David Edis (Philippines) - May 2013


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - October 2009