E-mail from Minthang Suantak - October 2009

Dear Garry,
greetings from your family and church members here in Imphal, Manipur. Trust you are doing great under God’s grace and protection.

Garry, yesterday we had a very good time in the ministry. I preached three times all in different places. All the three preaching was great in all these three meetings all together 107 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

The first time was at Laimanai, GFA bible college. It was really great time I preached and encourages the students. Than to Singda dam, there we had an open air preaching. We used a soccer field about few hundreds of people came. Just before we started the meeting there was a bit of rain we were all a bit worried, but after much prayer fortunately the rain stop and we straightaway started the meeting. When I made an alter call about 83 people gave their life to Christ. Than we also prayed for many sick people and few people were instantly healed. Right after the service at a soccer field at Singda dam we moved to Kanchup chingkhong where we had a meeting at a big community hall, few hundreds of people came many from non-Christian background. It was really a wonderful meeting and in this meeting another few hundreds came and listened the word of God. Which means yesterday alone we preached the word of God to several hundreds of people. Here at this service when I made the alter called about 24 people gave their life to Christ. After all these three successful preaching, we came back home in the late evening. We praise God for all His protection, guidance and provision. Today we are busy again with our teaching ministry at our bible college.

Garry, on Saturday night we (our bible college students) and Agape bible college students with their teaching staffs had a join fellowship program at our church Auditorium. It was a great spiritual encouragement for both the parties. The students of Agape bible college is not much their total strength is only 15 students. Their medium of instruction is not in English it is only in a kuki language. Therefore it was a bit hard to communicated but all things was going really great.

When you come next time it will really be very good to have a join conference, or seminar.

Today our youth department have a meeting, many of our youth from different villages came together. Our youth department is organizing a youth conference at S. Kotlian in the last week of this month. We expect a few hundreds of youth to participated in this youth conference. Please pray for a great result for this.

Next year we will organized the other youth conference be good if you can give me your next year itinerary for Manipur that we can organized the youth conference during your stay and you be a guest speaker. Surely you will love it,, as you will be seeing many hundreds of youths from different villages and towns. Today Mr, Kamthang vaiphei our youth secretary of our church came and led the youth meeting. He is the key person for the youth department. I talked to Kamthang about you and the possible visit (next trip) next year he is very happy to meet you and to organized the youth conference during your stay here in Manipur. He believed together we will change and transformed this world through youths for the kingdom of God.

Brother Garry, there is many thing that we need to accomplished here in the whole North east India particularly in Manipur for God’s kingdom. Therefore let us not cut the ties we have it, instead let us work more and bind the ties so strong that cannot be broken. You know we are all human being in-perfect nature,, therefore many a times we did mistake knowingly or by un-knowingly. What ever the circumstances may be let us forgive one another with all the mistakes that we committed and work together for the extension of God’s kingdom.

Garry, you are very much apart of our ministry and family. We never want to be all by ourselves. Let our togetherness and partnership would always grow stronger that can never be broken and let our partnership ministry would go along way in meeting the needs of the churches and societies throughout the whole northeast India.

Garry, you are very much apart of this bible college & our church planting ministry. Please do not try to be away from this great and important ministry. Through this bible college we will train the national and international youth for the ministry and to equip the today’s youth for tomorrows great leaders and preachers for the word of God and for the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ. Garry, tomorrow is a special day for the whole state of Manipur, as tomorrow every one is having feast in our state Manipur,,,.therefore we will be also giving good food to all our students tomorrow.

Bless you Garry, may the good Lord continue to bless you is our earnest prayers for you, your family and your church members always.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon, and to seeing you again in His timing.

Your missionary brother
Minthang Suantak.


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - June 2011


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - September 2009