E-mail from Minthang Suantak - July 2008

Hi Garry, greetings from your family and church members here in Imphal. Garry it is with joy we write this email. Thanks for the generous help and support you send us. Thank you so much for the funds you transferred via western union the $ 300, for the great ministry here. As soon as we received the funds you send us, we immediately transferred to our missionaries who always work hard for God in the mission fields. As our missionaries always need help for food and shelter. With the funds you tranferred to us, it saved many people already.

This morning our missionary in Bhutan Mr, Lempu and his wife rang us and told us that we got the funds that you transferred from Garry Tate, and that help us to buy rice for our food and a bit of clothing for our small children. Since we bought rice, Lempu was able to go again to the most interior place in the Eastern bhutan and preached the gospel to those hundreds and thousands of hidden tribes.As a result about 102 people accepted Jesus Christ and now ready to go for water baptism. many other people also received the word and now transformed to the light of the gospel.

Garry, always remember that your generous support will always bring people to the saving grace of our Lord. Be sure and rest in peace that your financial support will always save souls.

Yesterday here in Imphal at our head office, we had an executive council meeting, during our council meeting we also discussed to upgrade our missionary works in the whole north eastern frontier region of India including Bhutan and bangladesh. Please keep praying with us that together we may bring the millions of unreached people to the light of the gospel.

Garry for your kind information, Manipur and the whole of the North eastern states is one of the most strategic point to reach the millions of people in the countries like, Bhutan, Myanmar, bangladesh, Tibet and Nepal. God place us in the most important area, eventhough there are always war, communal clashed civil war and other untold hardships and difficulties due to economic problems and poverty reason. But let us take advantage that God has place us to reach the many millions of people in many neighboring countries. let us pray that God will continue to use us for His kingdom that we may always become a transforming power for the hidden people. We need you Garry, to help and fulfilled our mission and vision.

Our ministry in Assam Guwahati is getting greater each day with adding new souls for God's kingdom in a daily basis. Mr, Luna Vaiphei our missionary in Guwahati works among different people and bring them to God's Kingdom.

Garry, please pray and consider to come back again to us, as we need you to help us in the ministry. May the good Lord continue to bless you is our earnest prayer for you and Belinda. Looking forward to hearing from you again soon and to see you in His timing.

Bless you my friend.

Your missionary brother
Minthang Suantak.


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - October 2008


E-mail from Minthang Suantak - February 2008